Pycmac ~~~~~~~~ Installation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ cd into the pycmac folder and type .. code-block:: bash conda env create -f pycmac_env.yml This will install pycmac and dependencies into a conda environment. Remember to activate it when you use it via: .. code-block:: bash conda activate pycmac Dependency installation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **MicMac** See MicMac install instructions here: This will usually work. .. code-block:: bash sudo apt-get install make imagemagick libimage-exiftool-perl exiv2 proj-bin qt5-default git clone cd micmac cmake .. make install -j k Remember to add the micmac bin dir to your path (.bashrc or .bash_profile) **OSSIM** Install OSSIM via tha ubuntu GIS or equivalent repo - Ensure the OSSIM preferences file is on you path, otherwise it will not recognise different projections - see here